Notice海外情報 2015.02.19 Danish So-Kyokushin attended the Open Belgian KATA tournament (Denmark) 2015.02.12 The community of “Tome” The International Championship (Chile) 2015.02.09 1000 Kicks & 1000 Punches (Italy) 2015.02.03 TOURNAMENT CHILDREN FIRST EXPERIENCES (Italy) 2015.02.02 7. Th Winter kumite camp Norway 2015.01.29 Winter Camp in Kazan city (Russia) 2015.01.28 So-kyokushin karate cup in Ilichevsk city, , Odessa region, Ukraine(13th Dec) 2015.01.27 The Physics of Kyokushin (Italy) 2015.01.23 Italy seminar 2015.01.20 New branch in India (Jharkhand State branch) «前のページ 1 … 59 60 61 62 63 … 74 次のページ»